Grasshoppers: Ass't Coaching Forms

Thank you for joining the Grasshoppers as a youth running coach. In order to take part as an assistant coach for the program, the following requirements must be completed: 

1. Annual Membership within the RRCA  

You don't have to do anything for this step. CRC will enroll you within the Road Runners Club of America.

2. SafeSport Training (Must Be Completed Annually) 

SafeSport training is designed to educate coaches and volunteers on child sexual abuse. The RRCA has their own SafeSport compliance online course, and all coaches, volunteers, and all parent volunteers have to take this ~20 minute online course. To complete this course, just follow the link: brainshark.com/rrca/abuse-awareness-training After you complete the online training, watch the final portion of the presentation to its completion and a pdf of your certification should automatically download. If it doesn't, they'll email it to you. Once you have it, email your certificate to efruth@columbusrunning.com. FYI - The RRCA recommends completing this course on a computer or tablet but not a cell phone due to glitches.  
Any adult interacting with amateur athletes, defined as a child or minor under the age of 18 that participates in youth running programs or any events hosted or operated by Columbus Running Company, has a duty to report a reasonable suspicion of sexual misconduct such as child sex abuse, non-consensual sexual conduct, sexual harassment or intimate relationships involving an imbalance of power within a 24- hour period to local law enforcement. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services has launched 855-O-H-CHILD (855-642-4453), an automated telephone directory that will link callers directly to a child welfare or law enforcement office in their county. EVERY adult that staffs or volunteers to organize, assist with, or manage any element a program or event where youth participate is a mandatory reporter and subject to this policy.

3. Lindsay's Law 

Senate Bill 252 is named for national heart health advocate and former Miss Ohio Lindsay Davis who suffers from a heart condition and has since dedicated her career to raising awareness of this potentially fatal condition. Lindsay’s Law, Ohio Revised Code 3313.53103707.58 and 3707.59 went into effect in 2017.

In accordance with this law, the Ohio Department of Health, the Ohio Department of Education, the Ohio High School Athletic Association, the Ohio Chapter of the American College of Cardiology and other stakeholders jointly developed guidelines and other relevant materials to inform and educate students and youth athletes participating in or desiring to participate in an athletic activity, their parents, and their coaches about the nature and warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest.

To comply, watch this required video, view this required handout, and sign our waiver in step 4 below. 


4. Criminal Background Checks (Only Necessary for Ass't Coaches Over 18 Years Old)

Any ass't coaches who are over 18 years old need to undergo criminal background checks after every 3 years. If you're a teacher or similarly have a background check for your job, please forward me your certificate. Otherwise, click here to undergo a background check through TCLogiq. If given the choice, choose to complete the background check as a "coach" rather than a "member" and your costs will be invoiced to CRC.  


5. Complete the Form Below   

Assistant coaches, share your info in the form below: